10 February 2020

Anthony Pateras wins the $60,000 Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship

Anthony Pateras Image: Anthony Pateras  
© Traianos Pakioufakis

Composer and pianist Anthony Pateras has won the 2020 Michael Kieran Harvey Scholarship, worth $60,000. Established in 2006, this Scholarship is awarded to Australian post-graduate musicians who demonstrate technical mastery of the piano, display originality, imagination, creativity, and a desire to pursue piano and music in the 21st century. Managed by Perpetual, the Scholarship was established by the will of the late Susan Mary Remington to celebrate the work and achievements of Australian pianist & composer Michael Kieran Harvey.

Commenting on the 2020 winner, Michael Kieran Harvey said: 'The range and amount of Anthony's contribution to 21st-century music is truly remarkable. He continuously pushes the boundaries of contemporary music as a performer, composer, collaborator and director, while fearlessly negotiating the nexus between improvised and notated music. He is indefatigable in his output of over 40 albums, and continuously innovative and imaginative in his approach to composition and performance. His music spans exploratory concert works, multi-channel electronic performance, instrumental improvisation, experimental rock and audio-visual collaboration.'

Anthony Pateras will pursue a series of innovative projects over the course of the two-year scholarship.

> Anthony Pateras (AMC profile)

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