27 January 2016

Australian presence at Classical:NEXT (Rotterdam, May 2016) - call for delegates

Australian presence at Classical:NEXT (Rotterdam, May 2016) - call for delegates

National export initiative Sounds Australia, in partnership with the Australian Music Centre, will be coordinating an Australian presence at Classical:NEXT in Rotterdam (25-28 May 2016) by investing, for the first time, in an Australian stand at the trade show. Australian delegates registering as part of the Sounds Australia stand have access to a special and limited discount code. The code will automatically discount the registration fee and will also allow Sounds Australia to have a solid understanding of the whole delegation, ensuring all participants will receive related communications in the lead-up to the event.

Classical:NEXT brings together the diverse scenes of classical music and provides a forum for meetings, networking and exchange of ideas. Since the first edition in 2012, about 3000 classical music professionals from more than 1000 companies, from over 40 countries have met at Classical:NEXT. The structure of Classical:NEXT consists of four sections: showcases, conference, expo and film screenings. The conference section offers presentations, seminars, discussions, one-to-one and roundtable mentoring, among others. The expo exhibits the work of labels, publishers, agents, festivals, associations and others, and serves as a meeting point for all delegates. Showcases are where artists and productions can be presented in a series of short concerts or video screenings.

> More details: Sounds Australia website - see also Classical:NEXT website.
> If you are planning on registering for Classical:NEXT 2016 please email Glenn Dickie for the discount code and a registration link. Glenn will also be able to answer any questions


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