31 August 2020

'Hello human, welcome to art'

Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address 'Dissonance' by Flynn & Humphrey on 21 September

Madeleine Flynn & Tim Humphrey in Brighton with their work Pivot, involving 'semi-intelligent seesaws' Image: Madeleine Flynn & Tim Humphrey in Brighton with their work Pivot, involving 'semi-intelligent seesaws'  

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The first of two 2020 Peggy Glanville-Hicks Addresses, entitled 'Dissonance', will be presented by Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey on Monday 21 September. There will be no auditorium filled with seats, which is not an unusual situation for the team of two experimental sound artists. Instead, we're invited to take part in a dialogue with a machine.

The machine, which will reside on a specially constructed web page, created with Mick Byrne, will engage us in conversation about dissonance, about creative music and sound making, by asking questions and proposing topics. Under the hood lies a reservoir of scripted thoughts by Flynn and Humphrey to which we are all invited to contribute.

'To experience our PGH Address please talk to the machine. It is not an oracle and may not be willing to answer questions, merely ask them. The trajectory of your conversation will vary to the extent that each dialogue varies. Over the period of this address being live, we will add to the script', the artists explain.

The project continues the 25 years of projects by Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey. 'We are experimental artists in sound. We make unusual situations for listening. It is humbling for us to be delivering this PG-H at this extraordinary time, on land that was never ceded, and at a moment when the inequalities in this land and around the world have rarely been drawn so starkly.'

The 2020 Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address will be launched at https://www.howthingssoundmatters.space/ at midday on Monday 21 September.

The Address will be live for three weeks, following which time the resulting dialogues will be available as an archive through the AMC.

> Peggy Glanville-Hicks Address subpage on AMC Online, with more information and previous addresses

> Madeleine Flynn & Tim Humphrey - homepage

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