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17 January 2012

Opportunity: Broadband Arts Initiative

Opportunity: Broadband Arts Initiative

The Australia Council invites expressions of interest from artists, groups and organisations for ambitious arts projects which showcase the cultural potential of the National Broadband Network. Expressions of interest for the Broadband Arts Initiative are due to the Australia Council by 15 February 2012. Funding of up to $100,000 is available for individual projects - the total funding pool for the initiative is $300,000.

Invited applications will be assessed and decisions advised in April, and funded projects can start in May 2012. The project can involve significant artistic and technical research over a year, but should result in an outstanding art outcome for the public before June 2013.

For full details, see the application guidelines and selection criteria.

Further links

Broadband Arts Initiative (Australia Council for the Arts)
National Broadband Network: guide for consumers
(Australian Communications Consumer Action Network)

The Australian Music Centre connects people around the world to Australian composers and sound artists. By facilitating the performance, awareness and appreciation of music by these creative artists, it aims to increase their profile and the sustainability of their art form. Established in 1974, the AMC is now the leading provider of information, resources, materials and products relating to Australian new music.


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