5 April 2017

Register for Classical:NEXT now

Register for Classical:NEXT now

[Update 26 April - you can still register to attend Classical:NEXT - check out the last-minute rates on the website.]

The Australian delegation is taking shape to attend Classical:Next in Rotterdam from 17-20 May, with 18 Australians registered so far. This Friday (7 April) is the last day to register at the discounted late registration rate, after which the registration fee rises - for details, see the registration page.

Classical:NEXT is a global gathering for art music with 1,200 professionals from 45 countries in attendance. All branches of the classical music tree are present, including orchestras, opera and music theatre, chamber music, publishers, arts presenters from concert venues and festivals, music export offices, labels, distributors, journalists, artist managers, musicians, and more. In addition to networking opportunities, the extensive Classical:NEXT conference program offers an overview as well as deep insights into key themes, current trends and future visions relevant to all sectors in the industry. Project pitches and live showcases complete the package with insights into artistic creations from around the world.

Sounds Australia will have a stand at Classical:NEXT, and will host a reception for international delegates on the morning of Friday 19 May.

> Classical:NEXT - see also registrations page


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