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28 February 2011

Seven composers participate in MODART 2011 workshops

Seven composers participate in MODART 2011 workshops

Seven young composers are currently attending the first MODART workshops for 2011 in Sydney. This year is the 5th edition of the biennial professional development program, initiated by The Song Company and the Australian Music Centre. Five of the participating composers are based in Australia, while two of them travel to the workshop from further afield: Christchurch (NZ) and Mexico.

During the first workshop week, the composers start developing a new work. In the words of The Song Company's artistic director Roland Peelman, 'This is the time when ideas fly and discussions continue well beyond allocated rehearsal times. What it eventually leads to you will get to hear much later in the year, once all the dots have crystallised on paper and the music has been rehearsed. The unique nature of this project has been much commented upon and has even become the subject of academic research. Yet the importance of this composers' forum cannot be understated, both for the development of high-quality vocal writing and for the many benefits and ongoing relationships that flow from our engagement with the best young talent around.'

The participating composers in 2011 are Leah Barclay (Brisbane), Tristan Coelho (Sydney), Annie Hsieh (Melbourne), Ekrem Mülayim (Turkey/Sydney), Timothy Tate (Brisbane), Demian Galindo (Mexico) and Alex van den Broek (NZ). In addition to three days of workshops from Monday to Wednesday, the composers will attend concerts by Ensemble Offspring and The Song Company.

Further links

Modart 2009 (AMC - participants, blog articles etc.)
The Song Company (www.songcompany.com.au/)

The Australian Music Centre connects people around the world to Australian composers and sound artists. By facilitating the performance, awareness and appreciation of music by these creative artists, it aims to increase their profile and the sustainability of their art form. Established in 1974, the AMC is now the leading provider of information, resources, materials and products relating to Australian new music.


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