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31 May 2011

Suntory Hall commission for Julian Yu

Suntory Hall commission for Julian Yu

Julian Yu is the featured composer in the 2011 Suntory Hall International Program for Music Composition in Tokyo, Japan. As part of the program, founded by Toru Takemitsu in 1986, Yu has been commissioned to write an orchestral piece for a performance by the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra on 25 August. The concert, conducted by Kazuki Yamada, will be dedicated to Julian Yu's orchestral music. There will also be a concert of Yu's chamber music on 30 August.

The new orchestral work, entitled Symphonic Suite For Our Natural World, incorporates four movements: (1) 'To the Ocean', (2) 'In the Forest', (3) 'Descent from the Sky', and (4) 'Elegy for the Earth'. The chamber music concert will include Yu's works Philopentatonia, Ciaconnissima, Passacaglia After Biber and Scintillation II, along with his orchestration of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition.

In Australia, the Monash Academic Orchestra will present a program of Julian Yu's music at the Melbourne Recital Centre on 23 September. The program will include Yu's popular Concerto on Chinese Themes for clarinet and strings, the world premiere of Silent and Alone: Three poems by Li Yu, and his arrangement of Pictures at an Exhibition.

On 29-30 September, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra will present the world premiere of Yu's new orchestral work, Sinfonia Ciaconnissima, conducted by Mario Venzago.

Further links

Julian Yu (AMC profile)

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