18 December 2015

The Composer Speaks I now available as an e-book

The Composer Speaks I now available as an e-book

Who gave his fellow male composers this advice?

At some point you have to be prepared to say that bathing the baby and changing the nappies is actually more important than putting a few more notes on a page.

And who said this about critics?

If they only have to write a short, sharp, half paragraph or so, they may look quite intelligent. But give them a column and they'll soon show themselves in their true colours.

The answers are in the new e-book version of the AMC classic The Composer Speaks I. Edited by Graeme Skinner, it includes a substantial part of the program of the Australian National Composers' Conference of 1988. The agenda covered topics such as the position of female composers, multicultural influences, quotation vs. appropriation, music criticism, collaboration, music & technology. Speakers included some of Australia's wittiest musical minds, composers and commentators, including Warren Burt, Roger Covell, Andrew Ford, Moya Henderson, Keith Humble, Sally Macarthur, Peter McCallum, Elisabeth Silsbury and Roger Smalley.
Subsequent conferences took place in 1990 and 1992, and the series of three Composer Speaks books is an important document of the development of thinking around some central issues to Australian composition. E-book versions of The Composer Speaks II and The Composer Speaks III will be made available in 2016.

> View details and download The Composer Speaks I e-book from the AMC Shop now for $9.50.


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