John Carmody

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about John Carmody held in our catalogue.

Articles by and about John Carmody

7 Sep 2009 Wisdom Circles by John Carmody

It is an enduring question and is entirely valid even when it may seem a cliché: on his 70th birthday, what does one get for a man who says - especially to his family - that he needs nothing?

12 Aug 2016 Moya Henderson - international, yet intensely Australian by John Carmody

'Without intense feeling in the composer, it is unlikely that the music will exert the appropriate influence', argues composer Moya Henderson. Her long-term friend, John Carmody, gives an overview of the rich and varied work of the 75-year-old composer.

11 Mar 2022 A Eulogy for Nigel Butterley by John Carmody

A warm eulogy written and delivered by John Carmony, a dear friend of the late composer, Nigel Butterley. 

Works by John Carmody

John Carmody is not an Australian Music Centre represented artist, however the following works can be found in our collection:

Odds on by John Carmody

Works commissioned and written for John Carmody

Wilderness pieces by Moya Henderson

Verklärung by Moya Henderson