Percy Bysshe Shelley

This is a stub entry only — it provides links to other resources by and about Percy Bysshe Shelley held in our catalogue.

Works by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley is not an Australian Music Centre represented artist, however the following works can be found in our collection:

I fear thy kisses by James Penberthy

To love by Peter Sculthorpe

Heartland by Matthew Hindson

Dirge by Roy Agnew

Music, when soft voices die by Colin Brumby

When soft voices die by Mary Finsterer and Percy Bysshe Shelley

A Widow bird sate mourning by Roy Agnew

The World's wanderers by Roy Agnew

To morrow by Roy Agnew

Two Songs for Baritone and Piano by Anne Cawrse

Love's philosophy, op. 45, no. 1 by Eric Gross

Music, when soft voices die by Frederick Septimus Kelly

Lost and present love by Don Kay

A Farewell to Music by Carl Vine

Three Shelley songs by James Penberthy

Three Songs on Music and Time by Andrew Anderson