
Hadrian : for flute, clarinet, percussion & video

by Eve Klein (2021)

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Work Overview

Hadrian is a collaboration between composer Eve Klein and filmmaker Rani Brown. Hadrian is a personal work, exploring the composer's experience of rebuilding her family home due to flooding at a time when other Australians were experiencing successive climate-related disasters. Hadrian is inspired by 'Dwelling in the Age of Climate Change', a book where Dr Elaine Kelly puts a notion of "home" at the centre of how we, as humans, orient ourselves in the world and how we should respond to the mass displacement of people as a likely outcome of climate change. To unpack the impact of climate change on our everyday lives and homes, Hadrian interweaves Eve's story with the experiences of other Australians by incorporating objects donated from other people's homes into the work's musical palette. A scrolling graphic score depicts weather events leading to the composer's loss alongside data evidencing Australia's overall trajectory of climate change.

Work Details

Year: 2021

Instrumentation: Alto flute, bass flute, bass clarinet, waterphone & objects. Instruments may be substituted for others.

Duration: 15 min.

Difficulty: Advanced

Dedication note: For everyone recovering from climate change related displacement and disaster. You are not alone.

Commission note: Commissioned by Noisy Women Commission, Ensemble Offspring with funds provided by Australia Council.

First performance: by Ensemble Offspring at Another Future (Casula Powerhouse) on 4 Jun 2022


Performances of this work

4 Jun 2022: at Another Future (Casula Powerhouse). Featuring Ensemble Offspring.

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