
TimeTec : for 4 players

by Ryszard Pusz (2009)

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Work Overview

The piece was composed for a performance in a white goods repair factory and uses representative materials. The paper needs to be good quality to withstand being hit, with the "soprano" piece about A4 or US letter in size and the "bass" simply, though obviously, lower-sounding. Alternately, high- and low-sounding membranophones are acceptable substitutes; and the fan blades can be replaced with a piece of metal or cowbell, or even a low woodblock to expand the sound spectrum.

The scraper notes should be adhered to as much as possible, and the tremolo played with a fast to-and-fro agitato action. The papers should be shaken (and if membranophones are used a 'single-stroke' roll of varying intensity is the preferred sound).

The sounds combine some rhythms heard in the factory with Omani folk rhythms, and the piece can end in dramatic fashion with the papers being torn on the last two notes and the fan blades dropped and stomped on.

Work Details

Year: 2009

Instrumentation: Player I - "soprano" paper ; player II - metal scraper ; player III - fan blades ; player IV - "bass" paper.

Duration: 4 min.

Difficulty: Medium — The paper is torn according to length of notes. Ensemble coordination needed

Dedication note: for Susanne Geyer

Commission note: Commissioned by the German Embassy in Oman. Dedicated to Susanne Geyer, wife of the Ambassador.

First performance: by ROSO Percussion Ensemble — 2009. TMTec factory, Muscat, Oman

Performances of this work

2009: TMTec factory, Muscat, Oman. Featuring ROSO Percussion Ensemble.

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